The Conservation and Research Fund e. V. is a non-profit association. Entry in the Register of Associations of the Charlottenburg District Court, Berlin, Germany under file number VR 39228 B.
The association is entitled to issue donation receipts.
Statutes of the Association
"Conservation and Research Fund e.V."
§ 1 Name, Seat and Business Year
The Association shall bear the name "Conservation and Research Fund", which shall be supplemented by the suffix e.V. after its entry in the Register of Associations. The abbreviated form is "CRF".
The registered office of the Association shall be in Berlin, Germany.
The Association is registered in the Register of Associations at the district court of Berlin Charlottenburg.
The financial year is the calendar year.
§ 2 Purposes of the Association
The Association exclusively and directly pursues charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "Tax-privileged purposes" of the German Fiscal Code (Abgabenordnung: AO). The primary purpose of the Association is to develop, implement and evaluate science-based nature and species conservation concepts for evidence-based habitat restoration against biodiversity loss and climate change. Threatened species according to the "IUCN Red List" (International Union for Conservation of Nature; officially International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) are at the forefront of the Association's work. This includes the protection of the natural habitats of these species (habitats), as well as their restoration through renaturation measures. In order to fulfil the purposes of the Association, the Association or "third party auxiliaries" commissioned by it in the sense of § 57 paragraph 1 sentence 2 AO carry out the following work, for example:
Research: Basic research in the disciplines of life, biodiversity, economics, social and communication sciences.
Practical nature conservation work: Renaturation of degraded areas, conversion of agricultural land into original habitats, monitoring and protection of wildlife populations, increasing biodiversity on farmland.
Education and communication measures: Exchange and transfer of knowledge, education and training in conservation science and conservation issues.
The purpose of the statutes is realised in particular through the following activities and measures:
1. Science on the conservation and return of biodiversity in ecosystems.
The Association conducts science on the conservation and return of biodiversity in ecosystems, either itself or through commissioned "third party auxiliaries" within the meaning of § 57, Paragraph 1, Sentence 2 of the German Fiscal Code (AO). This includes wildlife research, forestry, limnological and climate science research. In addition, the Association conducts social science research, for example on political, social, cultural and economic contexts for nature and species conservation. For its science, the Association cooperates with renowned scientific partners. In addition, the Association promotes scientific work by third parties within the framework of § 58 AO, which is related to the work of the Association or is in its interest. The Association sees science on the conservation and return of biodiversity in disturbed ecosystems as closely linked to its practical nature conservation work. One of the aims is to examine scientific results for their practical suitability in order to be able to carry out evidence-based nature and species conservation in this way.
2. Practical nature conservation work
The Association identifies ecosystems with key functions for selected animal and plant species and works for the conservation, protection and renaturation of these ecosystems. It supports the reintroduction of selected animal and plant species and builds networks of people and institutions relevant to nature and species conservation. If necessary, habitats can be secured through the purchase of land, among other things. These plots of land are to be available for nature and habitat protection in the long term. Nature and humans are inextricably linked. Therefore, nature conservation concepts are only meaningful and promising if they also harmonise with the social and economic realities of local and regional population groups. Therefore, the Association is committed to social and ecological sustainability in its nature conservation projects.
3. Education and communication
The Association aims to raise awareness of the critical situation of habitats and the endangered species living in them among the public and especially relevant stakeholders through campaigns and the provision of information. The Association develops and implements educational programmes for stakeholders, children and young people, either itself or through commissioned "third party auxiliaries" within the meaning of § 57 paragraph 1 sentence 2 AO. It creates formats for networking science and practice on relevant topics with a local, international and global focus and communicates the results of the Association's work and science-based activities in a timely manner in various selected formats.
4. Acquisition of funds
For the fulfilment of the statutory purposes, financial resources are acquired and used through contributions, levies, donations, sponsoring, grants and other allowances. In addition, the Association may establish companies or acquire shares in companies or foundations or grant licences in pursuit of its statutory purposes. Any economic activity of the Association in this respect shall, without exception, be subordinate to the idealistic purposes of the Association.
§ 3 Independence
The Association sees itself as independent, non-partisan and non-religious. The Association feels bound to the values of the Leibniz Association and wishes to extend the Community Motto "Theoria cum praxi: Science for the good and benefit of man" with the addition: Science for the good and benefit of man, "of animals and plants and other living beings."
§ 4 Non-profit status
The Association shall act altruistically. It does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes. The funds raised by the Association shall be used for the intended purpose, economically and efficiently. They shall be managed in accordance with the budget. The Association's funds may only be used for purposes in accordance with the statutes (see §2, paragraphs 1 - 3). These include scientific research projects that serve the conservation of endangered species and their habitat, as well as communication and educational measures. The members of the Association shall not receive any benefits from the Association's funds in their capacity as members. No person shall be favoured by expenses which are alien to the purpose of the Association or by disproportionately high remuneration.
§ 5 Membership
The Association shall consist of active (full) members and supporting members.
1. Full members
Any natural person may become a full member. Full members are those members who are directly involved in the Association and have the right to vote. Full members are entitled to participate in all events offered by the Association. They also have the right to submit applications to the Board and the General Assembly. A prerequisite for full membership is active participation in the Association. Application for full membership must be made in writing to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall decide on the written application for membership by a simple majority of votes. The Executive Board is not obliged to give reasons for refusal to the applicant. Full membership ends by voluntary resignation, exclusion or death. Voluntary termination of membership may be declared at any time by written notice to the Executive Board. The exclusion of a member with immediate effect and for good cause can be pronounced if the member grossly violates the statutes, regulations, the idealistic purposes of the Association or the interests of the Association or misuses the Association for party-political interests or does not actively participate in the Association. The exclusion of a member shall be decided by the General Assembly by a 2/3 majority vote, excluding the member concerned. The member shall be given the opportunity to respond to the allegations made within a period of two weeks. Upon termination of membership, for whatever reason, all claims arising from the membership relationship shall expire. A repayment of contributions, donations or other support is generally excluded. The number of full members may be limited. The General Assembly shall decide on the limitation with a 2/3 majority.
Full members shall pay an annual membership fee. The amount and due date of the membership fees shall be regulated in a contribution regulation to be decided by the General Assembly.
2. Supporting members
Supporting members are non-voting members who are not actively involved within the Association, but who promote and support the aims and also the purpose of the Association in a suitable manner. Any natural or legal person may become a supporting member. Supporting members have a right to information and a right to make proposals concerning all matters of the Association. They shall be regularly informed about the activities of the Association. Supporting membership is based on an annual payment of a supporting member fee and ends with its cessation. The amount and due date of the membership fee shall be regulated in a contribution regulation which shall be decided by the General Assembly.
The number of non-voting supporting members is not limited. The Executive Board is entitled to refuse or withdraw supporting membership from a person or organisation without giving reasons. The decision on this shall be taken by the Executive Board by simple majority.
The Executive Board may confer honorary membership on persons who have rendered outstanding services to the Association. The decision shall be taken by the Executive Committee by simple majority. Honorary members are exempt from the obligation to pay dues and contributions.
§ 6 The General Assembly
1. Tasks of the general assembly
The General Assembly shall in particular have the following duties:
to receive, discuss and decide on the annual reports;
financial reporting for the past business year;
to discharge the Executive Board;
(in the election year) to elect the Executive Board every two years;
to decide on the Statutes, amendments to the Statutes and the dissolution of the Association;
to elect the auditors every two years, who shall not be members of the Executive Board or of a body appointed by the Executive Board and who shall not be employees of the Association; and
to pass resolutions on applications.
2. Convening
An Ordinary General Assembly shall be convened by the Executive Board of the Association as required, but at least once in each financial year, if possible in the first half of the financial year. The date shall be determined by consensus of the Executive Board . The invitation shall be sent at least 14 days in advance via the email list or by post by the Executive Board with notification of the provisionally set agenda to the last known member address of the Association. The Executive Board shall convene an Extraordinary General Assembly without delay if the interests of the Association so require or if at least one third of the voting members of the Association request the Executive Board to do so via the members' email list with feedback or by post, stating the purpose and reasons.
3. Applications
Applications from members on the agenda must be submitted in writing to the Association's Executive Board at least seven days before the General Assembly. Subsequently submitted agenda items must be communicated to the members in due time before the beginning of the General Assembly. Subsequent applications - including applications submitted during the General Assembly - must be placed on the agenda if a majority of the voting members present at the General Assembly agree to the applications being dealt with (applications of urgency).
4. Minutes
Resolutions of the General Assembly shall be recorded in the minutes, which shall be read and signed by two members of the Executive Board . The minutes shall be sent out within two weeks via the email list or by post. At the following General Assembly, members shall be given the opportunity for questions and amendments to the minutes. Amendments to the minutes shall be made in accordance with § 6, paragraph 7.
5. Voting rights
Only full members are entitled to vote. At the General Assembly, the voting rights of members may only be exercised in person.
6. Quorum
The General Assembly shall constitute a quorum if at least 2/3 of the Executive Board and one auditor are present.
7. Voting
The General Assembly shall pass its resolutions by simple majority. Abstentions shall not be taken into consideration. In the event of a tied vote, the application put forward shall be deemed to have been rejected. Voting in the General Assembly shall be open by a show of hands or by acclamation, unless one of the members present requests a secret ballot.
8. Amendments to the Statutes
Amendments to the Statutes may be decided by the members at a General Assembly. A resolution to amend the Statutes shall require a ¾ majority of the members of the Association present at a General Assembly. A resolution to amend the Statutes shall be proposed by a member of the Association via the email list with the subject "Application to amend the Statutes" or by post at least one week before a General Assembly. A spontaneous amendment to the Statutes during a General Assembly requires a consensus among the members present and requires the presence of at least 50% of all members.
9. Dissolution
The dissolution of the Association requires the approval of a ¾ majority of the members of the Association present at a General Assembly and requires the presence of at least 50% of all members. The application to dissolve the Association must be duly put to a vote as a proposed resolution two months before a General Assembly.
10. Commitment of assets
In the event of the dissolution of the Association or in the event that tax-privileged purposes cease to exist, the assets of the Association shall be transferred to the Rhino and Forest Fund e. V. in Kehl, Germany, which shall use them exclusively and directly for the conservation of species and nature.
§ 7 Organs of the Association
The organs of the Association are:
the General Assembly and
the Executive Board.
§ 8 The Executive Board
The members of the Executive Board shall be elected for a period of two years from the date of election, by the General Assembly. The members of the Executive Board shall remain in duty until a new election is held. Each member of the Executive Board shall be elected individually.
The Executive Board shall consist of
a. the 1st Chairperson,
b. the 2nd Chairperson and
c. the TreasurerThe extended board consists of: up to four assessors who are not authorised to represent the Association.
The Executive Board consists of the 1st Chairperson, the 2nd Chairperson and the Treasurer. It represents the Association internally and externally in the sense of § 26 BGB. The 1st Chairperson, the 2nd Chairperson and the Treasurer shall each have sole power of representation.
The Executive Board shall conduct the business of the Association on an honorary basis in accordance with the Statutes and the resolutions of the General Assembly. It shall report to the General Assembly on its activities.
The Executive Board shall meet as required, usually twice a year. The meetings of the Board shall be chaired by the Chairperson or one of his/her deputies.
The Executive Board shall pass its resolutions by simple majority.
The Executive Board may, on the proposal of the Executive Board, issue binding regulations.
Only full members who have been active in the Association for at least two years may be elected as new members.
The Executive Board is entitled to replace retiring members of the Executive Board by appointing a suitable substitute until new elections are held.
The Association shall strive for a balanced ratio of women and men in the composition of the Association, with equal qualifications.
§ 9 Remuneration of Executive Board members
The office of the Executive Board shall in principle be held in an honorary capacity.
In derogation of paragraph 1, the General Assembly may resolve that members of the Executive Board be paid an appropriate remuneration for their work on the Board.
§ 10 Auditors
Two auditors shall be elected every two years at the Annual General Assembly for a period of two years. The cash auditors shall have the task of auditing accounting documents and their proper accounting and the use of funds, and in particular of ascertaining that the funds have been used in accordance with the statutes and in a fiscally correct manner. The auditors shall inform the General Assembly of the results of the audit.
§ 11 Advisory Board
The Association may appoint an Advisory Board.
The Executive Board shall decide on the appointment and dismissal of members of the Advisory Board.
The Advisory Board shall support the Association by providing interdisciplinary expertise. In doing so, it can examine the projects supported by the Association for their compatibility with the Association's objectives, develop strategies and perspectives for the further development of the Association and advise the Executive Board on the implementation of development objectives and project evaluation.
In the composition of the Advisory Board, a balanced ratio of women and men shall be sought, provided that they are suitably qualified. The aim shall be to ensure that knowledge in the disciplines, topics and fields of competence supporting the purpose of the Association are represented on the Advisory Board.
§ 12 Audit of financial statements
The Association shall be committed to transparency in its financial and economic management.
The annual accounts shall be audited by the auditors. The result of the audit shall be communicated to the General Assembly on the occasion of the presentation of the annual report.
The Executive Board shall present a complete, meaningful and audited set of accounts for the financial year in the form of an annual financial statement.
The accounts shall be prepared in accordance with the statutory provisions and the principles of proper accounting, taking into account the size and structure of the Association.
§ 13 Data protection
The Association collects, processes and uses personal data of members exclusively within the scope of the tasks of the Association. In principle, this data may only be used by the Executive Board, the management and their representatives. In order to exercise its statutory rights, the Executive Board shall issue a list of members with their names and addresses to the applicant in return for a written assurance that the addresses will not be used for other purposes.
Suitable technical and organisational measures shall be taken to ensure that no unauthorised third parties gain access to the list.
§ 14 Foundation clause
If amendments and adaptations to the statutes are necessary for entry in the register of associations or for recognition of non-profit status by the relevant authorities, the Executive Board may carry these out without a resolution of the General Assembly. The Executive Board is hereby expressly authorised to take such action.
Berlin, Brussels, 8. October 2021